Asterix Avo Beveren wins its 13th Supercup


The East Flemish ladies start strong, with Cos, Stragier, and Wouters pushing them to a 4-1 lead in the opening phase. Charleroi quickly regains its footing with a few sharp middle attacks and closes the gap to 10-8. Both teams challenge each other with tight and powerful serves, but neither buckles under the pressure. Beveren’s fans see their team pick up the pace, allowing Asterix to build a 17-11 lead. Charleroi fights back with resilience and high-quality volleyball, erasing the gap entirely and turning the tables. With two set points, they seem poised to take the first set. After a nail-biting finish, Charleroi clinches the set 24-26.

In the second set, we witness top-tier volleyball from the start. Both teams attempt to outsmart each other with clever placements and powerful attacks. Beveren and Charleroi are evenly matched at 6-6. Like in the first set, Asterix is the first to pull ahead, leading 12-8. Charleroi struggles to keep up, and coach Piraux makes a few substitutions to turn the tide. These changes seem to work as the Walloon ladies reduce the gap to 19-16. Asterix finds its second wind in the final phase and takes the second set without much trouble, 25-21.

The third set follows a similar pattern, with both teams refusing to give an inch. Only at 14-12 in favor of Asterix Avo Beveren do we see the first real gap. Gradually, the Waasland team extends the lead. Charleroi tries everything to close in, but in this third set, their efforts fall short. Asterix wins 25-17.

Asterix Avo Beveren dominates the entire fourth set. They quickly jump to a 16-11 lead, and from there, the tension builds. The Walloon ladies make a comeback, bringing Beveren to the brink. However, Asterix Avo keeps their cool and secures the win with a final score of 25-22.
