Yellow Tigers win against Spain and Sweden


Belgium - Spain: 3 - 1

The Yellow Tigers started the match hesitantly, with a higher error count in the first set. In the second set, the match turned in their favor thanks to a strong team performance. The error count was significantly reduced, and the Spanish player Hernandez was successfully neutralized. The following sets were convincingly won by the Belgians. After the match, Kris Vansnick said: "I'm pleased with the performance. We will need to improve step by step to be able to win against stronger teams, and we will definitely do that."

Sweden - Belgium: 0 - 3

The Tigers played a very focused match today. With powerful serving pressure, Anna Haak and Alexandra Lazic were immediately put under pressure, preventing them from excelling offensively. The new captain, Britt Herbots, led the team with her strong attacks and serves. Thanks to this victory, the Tigers return to Belgium with a perfect score of 6 out of 6. In Beveren, they will face Estonia and Croatia.

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