Guy Juwet Appointed as Vice-President of the CEV: New Role in European Volleyball


During the General Assembly of the European Volleyball Federation (CEV) last weekend in Naples, Italy, Guy Juwet was appointed Vice-President and Treasurer of the CEV. This appointment follows the election of Roko Sikirić as the new President of the CEV for the 2024-2028 term.

Juwet, who is also the President of Volley Belgium, was personally invited by the newly elected President Sikirić and received unanimous support from his colleagues on the board to take on this responsible role for the next four years. "It is a great honor and a tremendous vote of confidence from the new board and the 56 European federations to be entrusted with this responsibility within the European Volleyball Federation (CEV)," said Juwet.

In addition to Juwet, other prominent figures from the European volleyball world were also chosen to join the CEV Board, including Lubomir Ganev (Bulgaria), Emma Labrador (Gibraltar), and Marek Pakosta (Czech Republic).

With this appointment, Belgium gains an important voice in the future of European volleyball, and Juwet affirms his position as a key figure in the sport both nationally and internationally.
