Brilliant start for the Young Yellow Tigers at the European Championship


"After the first three matches of the Young Yellow Tigers in the current tournament, coach Yorick Van De Velde expressed his satisfaction with the team's performance.

‘We knew beforehand that there were opportunities in the first three matches to gather points, but you still have to deliver. So, I'm certainly pleased with the group for flawlessly completing the initial trio. Particularly because we had to integrate a few new girls,’ said Van De Velde.

The coach was especially proud of how the team played against Slovenia: ‘We were very eager against Slovenia, and there was a clear desire to win.’ This determination was crucial for the victory.

The match against Spain was less smooth, as Van De Velde had anticipated: ‘The Spaniards never give up and retrieved a lot in defense, which is challenging to play against, but ultimately, we managed to defeat them.’

The performance against Serbia was particularly noteworthy. ‘Yesterday against Serbia, the Young Yellow Tigers demonstrated some really impressive skills against a powerhouse in volleyball,’ Van De Velde proudly stated. This victory highlighted the potential and talent within the team.

Preparation for the upcoming matches

On the rest day, the team has scheduled activation training and a video session. ‘We're preparing optimally for the upcoming two matches against the Netherlands and Italy. And these will be two matches that shouldn't be underestimated. So, we're going all out,’ Van De Velde declared resolutely."
